

Neuro comfort

What is neuro comfort?

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Our neuro comfort clothes is the result of blending nature, science, personal experiences and the human essence. It is inspired by and created for the diverse sensory spectrum of our community. We’ve seamlessly integrated supple, natural materials with progressive designs, like tagless tees and sound-proofing hoods, to make garments that cater to tactile sensitivities. Every garment is focused on overall wellbeing in mind and at heart.

Essential for some, comfortable for all.

Fashion transcends mere aesthetics. Every stitch, seam and silhouette in our collection has been thoughtfully designed based on knowledge and experience. Our collection offers a spectrum of calm neutrals and subtle patterns, minimizing visual stimuli without sacrificing style. The aim is to help everyone feel authentically comfortable in their own skin, and mind.

A true statement piece.

Every Humaneight garment is more than just clothing. It’s a statement of your commitment to a neurodiverse world, a place where everyone belongs and thrives. Yes, we believe your role is absolutely pivotal for Humaneight’s success. Help us advocate for neuro equality, amplify our message and guide us with your feedback to perfect future iterations of our garments.

Share your unique knowledge and experiences with us.

Your voice is essential in our journey towards creating a neurodiverse world. Please share your experiences, thoughts, and ideas. Your input will be the backbone for future explorations and things to come.

Experiences with Our Garments

Please describe your experience with the garments you purchased from us. What did you like or dislike about them? How did they meet your needs or fall short?

Living as a Neurodivergent Individual

Please describe the challenges you might face as a neurodivergent individual in todays world. What aspects of neurotypical daily life do you find most challenging, what can be improved?

Humaneight and the future

What actions do you believe Humaneight should take to better support the neurodivergent community in our quest for a neurodiverse world? Are there any specific initiatives, products, or services you would like to see us develop?