


A Neurodiverse Manifesto.

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The brain weighs only three pounds.
Yet it affects every inch of your body.
It has solved every problem humanity has ever faced.
It has imagined and built the most awe-inspiring art and technology in history.
But the brain is a sensitive thing.
And no two are alike.
Some are flat-out like nothing you can imagine.

We believe in You.

Which is just another way to say:
All brains respected and included.
And given the opportunity to shine.
Neurodiverse is the aim.
We are not just for the neurodivergent 20%.
We are here for the 100%.

Humaneight is a new kind of company. And movement.

Born from a deep love of the neurodivergent.
And a clear mission:
To help create a world where everyone is respected and included.
A world where differences are not seen as deficits but rather as opportunities.
A world where action outweighs talk.
Where the everyday structures and objects in this world are indeed made for You.

Exploration in Progress.

Our first focus will be clothing.
A deeply ignored and underdeveloped category for the neurodiverse.
Who find it damn near impossible to put together a wardrobe we all love that really works.
By exploring this, we might possibly create the most comfortable clothing in the world.
A side benefit of going where others don’t.

Ready. Set. Go.

And this is only the beginning.
School systems.
Sporting and entertainment.
Public transportation.
We’re coming for you.
With love.
With passion.
With grit.
Open minds change everything.